HuiVent Logo


A solution for managing your e


tailored to accommodate your unique needs.

Perfectly Designed

With HuiVent we provide a premium dashboard built upon the latest technologies with a fully responsive layout and team enabled with the expertise to help you with your customized needs.
Get started


Create addtional products

to increase your revenue
Event Ticketing

Manage all your ticketing

customized to your needs.

Personalized services

30+ years in delivering solutions
Mobile Accessible
Speed up ticket processing and administration with mobile-friendly options.
Industry Expertise
Developed by leaders in the convention industry to share our expertise.
On-site Services
Enjoy smooth event operations with our on-site support services.
No Fees on Free Events
Offer free events without any fees, making it easy and cost-effective.
Reduced Ticket Fees
Reduced ticket fees of $0.49 for tickets priced at $5 or below.
Transparent Fees
Enjoy reduced transparent fees for all non-ticket sales, keeping your earnings and lowering costs for your customers.



Simplify your ticketing process with our transparent fee structure. We charge a base fee of $1.50 per ticket plus 2% of the ticket price.
Use our intuitive online fee calculator to get an exact breakdown of your customer fees. Input your ticket price and quantity and see the results instantly.
Join today!


HuiVent Fee: $0.00

Total Cost for Buyers: $0.00

Amount You Receive: $0.00*

*Price does reflect your payment processor fee
We Appreciate Our Sponsors

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